miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012


Any CHANGE in just a click!

Most human goes throuh the life making elections,
taking occupations, decisions or having aspirations,... 
And how much of all this content can blow up in just the same click?

When you are aware that brings over the value of the conscience 
present time, putting attention to the details of the moment, environment, 
air, sounds, smells and sensations,.. that provide us with surprise and warmth,...
... that CLICK,
 becomes such a kind of  luck, able to transform the current life,...!

Cualquier CAMBIO en un click!

Los humanos vamos por la vida haciendo elecciones, 
tomando ocupaciones, decisiones o aspiraciones,...
Y cuanto de lo acumulado se puede esfumar en ese click?

Cuando se esta atento a los valores que aporta el presente consciente,
poniendo atención a los detalles del momento, entorno,aire, sonidos, olores 
y sensaciones que nos producen sorpresa y calidez,...
..., ese CLICK
se transforma en una clase de suerte, capaz de transformar la vida cotidiana,... !

All good creations guard exchequers in it's interior, 
onlyrevealed to us, in the mesure that we are capable 
of fixing the attention and focusing,  instinct and reason,...

Seconds of time able to transform the reality and it's
wide range of shades,....

Todas las buenas creaciones guardan tesoros en su interior,
que solo se nos muestran en la medida en que somos capaces 
de fijar la atención y enfocar, instinto y razón,...

Segundos de tiempo, capaces de transformar la realidad
y su amplia gama de matices,...

Beatríz Rubio in La. Couture & Accessories by Nano Martinez

Shades, all of them, charged of the substantial and essential energies,
 that provides enought information to understand about the well-being,...

Matices, todos ellos, cargados de la sustanciales y esenciales energías
que facilitan la suficiente información para entender acerca del bienestar,...

A quiet calm felling of being connected with 
the essential and own personal nature,...

Where one's can find it's personal way of quality expression, 
arriving to manage consubstantial situations with the 
proper principles and ideal.

Una tranquila sensación de estar conectado con
la esencial y propia naturaleza personal,...

Un estado en el que encontrar la propia  manera de expresión con calidad,
llegando a comulgar con situaciones afines con la propios principios e ideales.

Is at that moment when it's possible to affirm that about,...

... LIFE is as a game, seriously enterteining!

Es en ese momento, cuando es posible afirmar aquello de que,...

... LA VIDA es un juego seriamente divertido!

La. Couture "Ralip Silk Collection" and "Lola Bond Accessories" 

Something slightly similar to the sensation of being left go for the wind...
... leave events  flow and being exercised in the art of the 
adjustment to the uncontrollable conditionings.

As the plans for a shooting session,...moment in which
the sky seems to be determined to unload quite
the water of the planet...

Algo parecido a la sensación de dejarse llevar por el viento
permitir que los acontecimientos fluyan y ejercitarse
en el arte de adaptarse a las incontrolables circunstancias

Como los planes para una sesión de fotos,.... momento en el que el cielo parece 
determinado a descargar todo el agua del planeta,...

Taking advance of the difficulties,
Trying new things,
forgetting what is not going to work, because of the circunstances,...
Have and give a good guffaw for the absurd of so much planning...
and become imaginative,...the full equip,...
 with the same essential energies!

Tomar ventaja de las dificultades,
intentar nuevas cosas,
olvidar lo que no va a funcionar por las circunstancias,...
Tener y ofrecer una buena carcajada por lo absurdo de tanta planificación,
volverse imaginativo,... todo el equipo,...
con las mismas esenciales energías!

The confort of doing what we LOVE!

The best way to achieve the expected results in our ideas,...
A mind trip well connected between the parts and in the proposals goals,...

Start to put quickly all the resources in the help of the others,...
and according to Eolo, who takes it's protagonism, 
wrapping Beatríz in a duel of feathers and hair,...

El confort de hacer lo que nos gusta,
es la mejor manera de alcanzar los resultados esperados en nuestras ideas,
un viaje mental bien conectado entre las partes y en los propósitos,...

Comenzar a poner rápidamente los recursos en ayuda de los demás,...
y conformes con Eolo, que toma su protagonismo,
enredando a Beatriz en un duelo de plumas y cabello,...

Beatriz Rubio in La. gloves "Jardin Topaz", Silk Dress and Scarf  "Ralip Collection"
... Thinking about,...?
..., Pensando,...?

and lets give way to the result of Nano Martinez soul and Eye's view,...

Así que demos paso al resultado a través del alma y  mirada de Nano Martinez,...

A beat worried...?

Must be joking,...!
"Debe estar bromeando,...! "

..., from getting confidence with the weather surprises,...
..., confiados con las posibles sorpresas climáticas,...

 and nearly of  being getting up,... in the air!
 Y cerca de ser elevada,... por los aires!

Everything has a place in the Essencial Energies!
Todo tiene su lugar en las esenciales energías!

A sample about how to build a story that was going to be an idea,...
to finish having a fun feathers and silk session,...

At the end and for the new continuous present BEGINNING,
we have decided, she's so gorgeous,...!

Un ejemplo de como construir una historia que iba a ser una idea,...
para acabar teniendo una divertida sesión de plumas y seda,...

Al final y para nuevos y presentes continuos COMIENZOS,
hemos decidido que es tan fantástica,...!

..., that we carry on preparing new scenes and storys,
that maybe can change in a CLICK !
So we don't tell anything else till the next results!

Hope you have enjoy with the full EQUIP,

..., que seguimos preparando nuevos escenarios e historias
que quizás puedan cambiar en un CLICK!
Así que no contamos nada más hasta los próximos resultados!

Con deseos de que os hayáis divertido con todo el EQUIPO!

Beatriz Rubio as patient actor,...
Como paciente actriz,...

Nano Martinez, the look that gives form to precious histories,...
La mirada que da forma a preciosas historias

Stone, with indisputable presence,...
Con indiscutible presencia,...

Flor Vaquero, who tries to draw dreams with her
works and who subscribes this words.
Quien trata de dibujar sueños con sus
 trabajos y quien suscribe estas palabras

Meanwhile and till the next,...
Entre tanto y hasta la próxima,...

Genial flights and essential energies !

martes, 24 de julio de 2012

"..., IN THE MIDDLE,..."

"Mi camino por la fotografía" Nano MARTINEZ

What happens in between, several moments of our own lives?

What marks this small difference that gives us conscience about
our reality and one of the most important values,...?

TIME ...

With ourselves, others,... In a constant present,
 that quickly becomes past in just, seconds, a breathing, a sight,
a kiss, or a sound of a musical note...


Que sucede en medio de determinados momentos de nuestras vidas?
Cual es la pequeña diferencia que nos hace conscientes de
nuestra realidad y uno de los más importantes valores?


Con nosotros mismos, otros,... En un presente continuo,
que rápidamente ya es pasado, en segundos, respiraciones, 
vistazos, un beso o el sonido de una nota musical...

"Ojo de pez" by  Nano MARTINEZ

Walking on directions and resources most people believes, 
are good enought and charged of real reasons,
 to explained or carry on with their lifes
While, nobody understans other one...
something must be going wrong,


Caminando en direcciones y con recursos que la mayoría
cree, lo suficientemente buenos y cargados de reales razones
para continuar con sus vidas.

Mientras nadie entiende al otro,...
algo no debe estar yendo bien,

"Walking puffin" Celia SMITH

Insecurity,... Lack Vison or in training values, that help
us to go ahead with a better quality kind of soul ?

¿ Do we decide ?
Or we advance without dreams, sensations, images in our mind 
that bring us a way to reach those ideas we wish....?

And most important, ...



Inseguridad,... Falta de visión o de entrenamiento en valores
que nos ayuden a seguir adelante con una mejor calidad de Alma ?

o avanzamos sin sueños, sensaciones, imágenes en nuestra mente
que nos descubran el camino para alcanzar todas esas ideas que deseamos?

Y más Importante,...

"Rojo pasión" 

¿How sure are we, about what the brain wants to belive in,...
and,  ¿how much real is what the eyes focus on,..?
Sometimes is a real mistery, that in nothing,
can change the complete vison of our 
environment, life, spirit,...

¿What can we do when things seems to be go wrong?...


Cuan seguros estamos de lo que nuestro cerebro quiere creer,...
Y cuanto de real tiene lo que enfoca la mirada,...?
A veces, resulta un real misterio, que en nada
puede llegarte a cambiar la visión del entorno, la vida, el espíritu,...!

Que podemos hacer cuando a veces, las cosas parecen no ir bien?

"Diente de León"  

get realized about all those small  and good sensations surrounds us,
 be grateful for the reached and left go for the emotion of being able to 
savour slowly and carefully, marvellous present moments, 
while sow new ...

Illusions and Expectations!

Get risks, give away from all those things doesn't count, 
forget ideas, forced projects and presumptions... 
that limit the wings of our ideal ones...

Give a look of well-being with the immediate scope resources,
and maybe have the good luck of find on our way, 
surprises that can give us, a new vision and 
renewed spirit thanks to the implications
 of their acts...


darse cuenta de todas aquellas buenas sensaciones que nos rodean,
sentir gratitud por la emoción de lo alcanzado y dejar que esta, 
pueda saborear despacio y con atención, maravillosos momentos presentes, 
mientras sembramos otras,...


Tomar riesgos, abandonar todo lo que no suma,
olvidar ideas, forzados proyectos y presunciones
que limitan las alas de nuestros ideales...

Dar un vistazo de bienestar hacia nuestros mejores resultados, 
y quizás contar con la suerte de encontrarse en el camino
sorpresas que pueden aportarnos una nueva visión y renovado espíritu, 
gracias a la implicación de sus actos


Beautiful histories of finded affection, for what the persons love..
without mirages,...


Bonitas historias de afectos encontrados por lo que las personas amamos,...
Sin espejismos,...




"Buho Real"  

Causing new links,..

Propiciando nuevos enlaces,...







"Giro de color"

Discovering the results of first seeds,...

Descubriendo el resultado de las primeras semillas,...


Or just only dreaming,...

O simplemente soñando,...

"Eclipse de Marte"  

This is what people that loves their lives, do with their times,...
A look beyond the obvious things,

A personal interpretation of what suggests us the time
that takes our attention, wishing propitiate 


As all these Images from the concentrated and creative look of 
Nano MARTINEZ, quite important sample and reason
to carry on doing what we love,
Show people about new Stories around aesthetic expressions,...
... and refreshing moments,...


Esto es lo que personas que aman sus vidas, hacen con su tiempo
Una mirada más allá de lo obvio,
Una personal interpretación de lo que nos sugiere el tiempo
que toma nuestra atención, deseando propiciar

Como todas estas imágenes de la concentrada y creativa mirada de
Nano MARTINEZ, buen ejemplo y razón para continuar haciendo lo que nos gusta,..
Mostrar nuevas historias entorno a propuestas estéticas y refrescantes momentos


Next Tale,... "FALCONER Soul,..."

El próximo cuento,... "FALCONER Soul"

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

...ALL IN WHITE,....

... To achieve this such a beautifull image, it has had to be a seed, 
to be covered of taken care and to be left to seem 
like that kind of  beautiful calm..

White Leica Camera

Experiences that we accumulate, thanks to the sense of the sight.
Later, ...others will come, more or less sensory,...

All these sensations, intuitions and experiences, 
give us a view of the backgrounds we take with us, 
contributing to a major weight for  illusions......

Life would have to be like the enjoining moment 
of a camera's  shot,....

Nano's Martinez shot for "Making Of  La. / Marta Carriedo

One never knows,...
 what's going to be found at the end of the Way,

How many ways can we try with our time?
As many as we can dream,...
Isn't it?...

And, most of the times, we carry on with the present,
engaged inconscous or consciously to the past,...
So then, let's give pass to the Past 
to enjoy the just future present,....

Imagine what ever you want,... 
in the way, colours, shapes, spaces,.....
one can achieve in it's mind,...

while one takes the best from it's time, 
one never looses, all that has being building in it's journey....

Foolish present moments charged of  diversity and desires,...
Nobody used to have the same dreams as the Other,..

Taking advice about,...what we love, 
How we treat ourselves, what sensations we want to live, 
with what kind of interests and conversations 
we want to share With,...

It's only  a question of getting Stopped !... 
And Start to Imagine about,
 How we would like to draw new fellings and sensations,...

Hanging with us our best ressources, 
Creativity and a quite good number of  all that makes us feel well,...

A nice Starting Day,...
Having desires of vibrating,...
A Big amount of Curiosity,...
Courage to face efforts and more,


 Indispensable to go with one,
Ideas which mainly, most of the Times arrive while working, and
 Opportunities that cross us in our attempts...Giving light 
to new Inventions and Projects !

When you see in someone, how amzing becomes your work,...

And Someone recognized the best expressions to transmit sensations,....

You realized that most verything, use to Start with a thin line over 
And as much One leaves professional people do it's Work,
As much you discover, how far can get, all those things,
you have been dreaming  about.

How everything changes to allow emerge new approaches...

And reveal  all the beauty  of a moment, ...

Till arrive at the ending session
to show exhausted pleasure
 for the Soul....

 Marta CARRIEDO wearing  a 
la. Couture Dress and "JARDIN " la. Arty Collection 
in shape of head piece and pink mitton embroidered in swarovski crystals

There are much possibilities 
to see the same things, as eyes around,..But this is not really 
completely thruth,... because what makes the difference, 
is the way  we look around,...

What takes our attention, whith wich kind of humor, 
when, where and with whom,...

One can get realized how much important is the way to observe 
and treats the present, not for taking advance,...
Only for the great fellings of loving moments,
 full of Beauty while making  
becomes easier and amazing.

When you imagine something,
but don´t reach to see, another completely
different vison on the proper eyes and mind,....
Something unexpected that brings us all the emotions
 to get dance,...

Marta CARRIEDO photographed by Nano MARTINEZ

wearing a faceted Swarovsky Crystal,
 Because the image was not foreseen, 
but the imagination , again,
 overcome conventions

If anybody would like to know about how to build
 an Idea that becomes something more important,...
A dream,... 

Nano Martinez as Photographer and editor hides a secret,
The Art of Knowing, 
how to look and catch the Soul  to,...

Create Emotions and Sensations,....